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Meet the new owners, AShley & Ben Barr!


Ashley & Ben Barr here!  We are thrilled to be taking over leadership of the fantastic team and carrying on the work Leslie has done for over five years!  After growing up in Hot Springs, going to the U of A and 14 years in Dallas, we are thrilled to be back in Arkansas.  We also bring back our three little Texans: Charlie, Addie Grace and Beckett. (6,3, and 17 months.)

The renovation of our home in Prospect Terrace is almost complete, and we cannot wait to get settled and have the Marshall Concept team make our home work smoothly for us!   We know life isn’t perfect and orderly all the time, but we believe the systems and organization in our home can help us have more time for the things we LOVE to do: Calling the Hogs, going to the Lake and spending time with our family and friends!

We are excited to carry on the fantastic service Leslie and her team bring to the homes of Arkansans all across the state.

Our Locations

We serve in Little Rock, AR and across the south.

Thanks for stopping by! let us know how we can help you get organized.



Favorite Space: Pantries

Favorite Product: White Plastic Storage Bins

Favorite Colors: White & Grey - Hints of Blue

Favorite Labels: Circuit Vinyl Paper & Avery Glossy Clear

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